music, fashion, dance to the beat, lights
i live my life to the fullest. haha. waa. im now thinking bout my old everyday life. haha.
a click: one click, everything changed. ye, im still the old me. but i feel like i stepped one up to maturity level. hahaha;p im now not the happy-go-lucky-type-girl-next-door. now, i wear black slacks 23 times a month. wtf. which before i think is "so-not-cool" and i'm-not-gonna-wear-such" thinggie haha. but i have no choice. i can still dress to impress sometimes. i mean literally, "sometimes". when i go out with my friends for a night party and go out with my old co-model friends. (imiss'em)
now, my life is work, work, work for my family(except my dad). but i feel good about it, supporting my family. haha. my mom's proud about me. daayyuummnn. im only 19 years old! hhaha. i should still be wearing school uniform. shoocckkss.. anyways... last thing..
now, ye my life, family has been crumpled in just a click. (but we're trying to iron it. haha)
now, even if im experiencing such dayummnnn things, im still the happiest girl alive because of one thing, HIM.
i'm so blessed i have Beh Lian Chyou. best love.
here are some photos of me doing the real old thing. doing what i love and doing what makes me happy.
i sing like i composed the song i'm singing with my heart in it.
blue ginger bar @ retiro / kakai bar @ malvar st. malate

i smile for the world. haha. =)
photo shoot for magazine cover, buy and sell agency

i dance like no one's watching.
@ lingayen pangasinan (our mini concert josphuan prod.) with jenilyn mercado and sherwin ordonez
party people!!! haha. stay out late at night. and then wake up with such head rush. because of vodka and some tequilla shots. i party like there's no tomorrow.